“One of These Days” tells the story about Aurelio Escovar who is a poor dentist, thin and not very expressive without a degree. He is busy polishing false teeth early one morning when his son tell him that mayor is there and wants to see him. At first he refuses to see this would-be patient, and says to his son tell him “I am not here.” The Mayo refuse to leave and says “I know he is there I can hear him and I am going to shoot him.” Finally when Aurelio sees the mayor who has been suffering severe toothache for five days and is desperate; eventually the dentist lets him in, examines him, and then removes the infected wisdom tooth, without anesthesia. He wants that mayor suffering for the twenty dead people.
I like the part when Aurelio Escovar says to mayor you are going to pay for the twenty dead people because it sounds that for almost few minutes Aurelio had the control of the mayor. He had in his hand a little revenge toward him.
I like the part when Aurelio Escovar says to mayor you are going to pay for the twenty dead people because it sounds that for almost few minutes Aurelio had the control of the mayor. He had in his hand a little revenge toward him.
Almost all the story is clear to me. I think that with this kind of short story everybody is going to have different opinions.
Almost all the story is clear to me. I think that with this kind of short story everybody is going to have different opinions.
Why did not Aurelio Escovas have a dentist degree?
If he is poor why did not he want to see the mayor?
Why did the mayor go to see a dentist without a degree?
Escovar the dentist is not a powerful man in this town; he is not wealthy and his office is poorly supplied and dirty. When Escovar asks whether to send the bill "To you or the town?" the mayor replies, "It’s the same damn thing." For me Gabriel Garcia Marquez wanted to show corruption, even murderous, political power. He wanted to show how people with authority think that the can do whatever they want.
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