Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Essay # 6

               Since I remember people can see how a person in authority abused his or her power. This situation happens in all countries and it is hard to find a solution to end this. We can see a lot of different power as a political leader or police man. This kind of person thinks that they can do whatever they want and that nobody can say anything to them. They feel that with their power they have the control in their hands.
               In front of my grandmother’s house there is a police station. One late night, we heard too much noise in this police station this called our attention and we went out to see what was happening. We saw some neighbor s, they was having a discussion with some police. We could hear that the discussion was because one of my neighbors had a party in his house and the police went to his house and told them that they must turn off the music and finish the party. It usually never happens in my country because parties are permitted. However the situation got crazier, the major arrived and he seemed angry, he began to discuss too. Suddenly he took out a pole and began to hit my neighbors without any reason, some police began to do the same and others tried to control the problem. The major use his power said that all police had to do the same or they went to have trouble with him. We began to scream my cousin was crying because it was horrible, finally the major stopped to hit them and gave the other to stop. I remember that my aunt said to him, “you have to pay for what you do” and he ironical smiled to her. The major just hit them without any reason.  The neighbors tried to do something and make him in problem with the law, but were impossible. He gave his arguments and the most horrible thing was that the others police supported all his lies. He used his power and still is a major.
                  It sad how people with power can do many horrible things and nobody punishes them. There are many kind of power abused and it appears that never is going to come to the end. This kind of situation left me with the frustration to see how authority can commit evil act without remorse.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Composition about Jane and Michael

Today we can see a lot of marriage problems, at the beginning all is almost perfect but with the pass of the time everything it is going to change. If the couple has a child, it is going to have problems because they have to decide who stay in home with the child. However the time are changed,  first it have to be the woman that have to stay in home but today the woman has the same opportunities as the man. As a result of this we can see much disappointment from this. For example in Jane and Michel story we see different point of view.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Girl With A Pearl Earring

“The girl with a Pearl Earring” told the story about a sixteen year old girl that her name is Griet, who lives in a simple house with her parents and two siblings one oldest brother Frans and her younger sister Agnes. They do not have too much money, especially after Griet’s father had an accident at the tile factory, where he used to work before losing his eye sight. Then her family has to decide to send Griet to work as a maid in a Vermeer family, she has to live with them and she has just free Sunday to go to visit her family. She has to do housework, laundry, clean the studio, and take care of Catharina’s six children. She met the older maid Tanneke, she shows her the house and explain some of the thing that she has to do, Griet also have to go to the market. Griet is hired to help Tanneke however she is jealous from her because she is the only one allowed to clean the painter’s studio. In the house she sees a lot of painters. Cornelia one of the Catharina children sometimes had a good mood with her but sometimes not. Griet met someone in the meat shop his name his Pieter, who she gets her meat from. Griet heard from Pieter that her sister was ill because of the Plague; however she was not able to help and do anything to him.  
Part I liked:
When she was doing her work and remembered the things that she did with her siblings. When they used to sit along the canal and throw things in pebbles, sticks, once a broken tile and imagine what they might touch of the bottom not fish, but creatures from their imagination, with many eyes. It makes her a very young girl that had to work to help his father.
Why did not her older brother send money to help his father?
Why did she not have the opportunity to choose another job? 

A Wonderful Person

              How many times are we close to people without figuring out that they are wonderful? In many cases we are blind what kind of person they are.  Young people always are thinking that their parents are bad or even that they don’t love them. Time is passing fast and it is letting me know the sweet and wonderful impression I have about my father. For many years I had thought that my father was not a wonderful person; however it is amazing when you realize the true valve of someone.
              When I was 15 years old I thought that my father was an angry man and that he did not want to let me live my life. I was around young girls whose fathers let them do whatever they wanted and my father did not let me. For example if I wanted to go out sometimes my father let me go, but I had to come early or sometimes he did not let me go; and my friends always could go and stay on late. My father said to me that I had to study to be someone in life. Today my perception has changed because when I met my old friends, I found out that they have not finished high school, they work in a bar because they do not know how to do other things.  Now I am very grateful to my father because he always was right and he let me did thing when he knew that I could.
             I remember when other friends said to me that I was so lucky to have a father like him, and I thought inside me “what, they are crazy. I do not want someone like him; he never lets me do what I want.” Now I found out the true valve of my father. He is a wonderful person, who always is thinking about how make happy his family. It is amazing when you realize the true valve of someone because you finally know that everything that the person did, they did for you well. And you can see how is him for example now I know that my father is excellent husband, son and father. He is almost perfect for me. Today I thank to God for giving me an extraordinary father and I feel so happy to know that he is beside me.
            Maybe it took many years to realize the true valve of my father, now I know how much he loves me and it made me see myself differently when I was a fifteen years old. Today my father is my best friend and I see him like my super hero who always is beside me helping me. Always I have with me this teaching and lessons. When I need advice I know that nobody else can give me as good advice as he can. I feel rich and love and protected.
             Many times we are blind and never open our eyes to realize what a wonderful person is beside us. Many times we know that they are beside us, but we do not want to open our eyes. A wonderful person who is always wants the best for us. It is who always is looking for the best to us. I realize that a wonderful person is someone like my father.   

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"One of These Days"

“One of These Days” tells the story about Aurelio Escovar who is a poor dentist, thin and not very expressive without a degree. He is busy polishing false teeth early one morning when his son tell him that mayor is there and wants to see him. At first he refuses to see this would-be patient, and says to his son tell him “I am not here.” The Mayo refuse to leave and says “I know he is there I can hear him and I am going to shoot him.” Finally when Aurelio sees the mayor who has been suffering severe toothache for five days and is desperate; eventually the dentist lets him in, examines him, and then removes the infected wisdom tooth, without anesthesia. He wants that mayor suffering for the twenty dead people.


I like the part when Aurelio Escovar says to mayor you are going to pay for the twenty dead people because it sounds that for almost few minutes Aurelio had the control of the mayor. He had in his hand a little revenge toward him.
Almost all the story is clear to me. I think that with this kind of short story everybody is going to have different opinions.
Why did not Aurelio Escovas have a dentist degree?                                                                     
 If he is poor why did not he want to see the mayor?                                                                
 Why did the mayor go to see a dentist without a degree?
Escovar the dentist is not a powerful man in this town; he is not wealthy and his office is poorly supplied and dirty. When Escovar asks whether to send the bill "To you or the town?" the mayor replies, "It’s the same damn thing." For me Gabriel Garcia Marquez wanted to show corruption, even murderous, political power. He wanted to show how people with authority think that the can do whatever they want.



Wednesday, October 27, 2010


               Conflict is a hard word to understand because many people don’t understand why some persons love to be in conflict. In many public places such a beach, park, restaurants, train, we find the kind of person who loves conflict.  I do not understand why, but some people love to fight for no reason at all. In many cases we are around people that seek out conflict where there is not any and this causes problem for those who suddenly find themselves in a conflict. Sometimes we can avoid this conflict without fighting, and I have a good example to avoid conflict.  
               One year ago I was in a noisy restaurant with some friends we were eating, talking and enjoying the food. Beside us there was a person eating alone. Suddenly he stud up and walked toward us and he told us “shut up” in a vulgar form. He began to tell us that we were talking about him. He looked so angry and he wanted to fight.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

“The Lottery” takes place on a warm June 27 in a town where about three hundred people were and describes an annual event in the town, a lottery. A tradition that is apparently widespread among surrounding villages as well. Children arrive in the town early and began to play." Some of the boys collect stone. They have a black box to begin the lottery. When it is time for the lottery, the box is removed and taken to the place where the lottery is being held. The names of the families are called one at a time to come up and take a piece of paper. When all of the people had come up and taken a folded piece of paper, everyone reads what is written on the piece they selected, but only one piece of paper had something written on it. It is that one person has to die. Tessie Hutchinson receives a slip with a black mark on it; it means that she won the lottery. The villagers then stone her to death as a ritual sacrifices.
The part I Liked:                                                                                                                        
The people had done it so many times that they only half listened to the directions: most of the were quiet, wetting their lips, and not looking around. I like this part because for they seem that it nothing especial going to pass.
The part I found confused: 
Almos all the story is a little confused                                                                                                        
 The children had stones already. And someone gave little Davy Hutchinson few pebbles.  Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her. Old man Warner was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone.” Steve Adams was in the front of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs. Graves beside him. “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,” Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.

1.     Why it is called “lottery?
2.     Why the children have to be there and make the same as adult?
3.     The story is based on true story?
4.     Why did not Mr. Hutchinson change with his wife?